If your child has been prescribed certain medication and administering that medication is about as enjoyable as pulling teeth – for both parties – there’s no doubt you’re looking for better solutions.
There are several reasons why administration of medication to kids can be difficult:
- They hate the taste of the medication;
- It comes in a form (such as a large pill) that is intimidating to them;
- It may contain inactive ingredients that trigger allergies or adverse reactions;
- They’re not in a good state to take it as prescribed (such as something that needs to be taken with food but the child has no appetite); and/or
- The dose isn’t ideal for their age/weight.
By reaching out to a pediatric compounding pharmacy, there’s a good chance you can sidestep most or all of these potential concerns.
The Advantages of Enlisting a Pediatric Compounding Pharmacy
At The Compounding Pharmacy of America, we’re all about customizing medication to deliver it in a form that tastes good and is the right dose for our patients.
In many cases, being able to customize medication for children is even more important than it is for adults. This is because there are so many special cases and unique requirements among children. We strive to understand your child’s needs in order to compound medication that works just right for them.
Our pediatric compounding experts can produce customized medications that treat a number of conditions, such as:
- Respiratory disorders
- Skin disorders
- Pain stemming from an injury, disease or other condition
- Oral thrush and other fungal infections
- Cold sores/fever blisters
- Diaper rash
- Head lice
Our mission is not only to offer customized medication after you’ve developed an illness or health condition, but we also want to share tips on how to prevent coming down with something. If your child is in school or daycare, it may seem like he or she brings home some kind of illness every other week. Please review the following blog article to learn a few methods for reducing the number of colds and other conditions your kid brings back from school each year.
Related Article:
How to Avoid Germs at School
How We Can Customize Pediatric Medication for Easier Administration
How is it possible to turn prescription medication from something kids dread taking into something they actually kind of enjoy?
Our pharmacists can compound the medication in a number of ways to produce a product that agrees with your child’s tastes, preferred method of administration, and other considerations. Click on any of the following to learn more.
Better Tasting Medication
When you have to administer a medication that your child hates the taste of, you have to think of creative ways to get them to keep it down. With our compounding pharmacy, you won’t have to worry about this.
We have access to several different flavorings and colorings of medication that will appeal much more to them. Keep in mind that just because we change the taste or color of a certain product does not mean that it dilutes the effectiveness of the medication.
If your child doesn’t enjoy taking liquid medication via syringe or it’s hard for them to swallow or chew a certain pill, our team can alter the form of the medication so it’s easier to consume.
You’ll be surprised at some of the forms we can compound the medication into. These include:
- Lollipops
- Gummies
- Topical gels
- Oral liquids
- Effervescent drinks
- And much more
If your child is on a long-term prescription and gets tired with taking the medication one way, we can switch it up and go with one of the forms above so taking the medication can continue to be a positive experience for them.
You’ll often run into situations where a prescribed dose is either a little too strong or weak for your child’s age and size. Our compounding pharmacy can help fix this problem for you.
We’re eager to work with your pediatrician to develop a unique dose that’s going to be more appropriate for your child and his or her unique circumstances.
Custom Medication Ingredients
Some children may have complications when ingesting specific ingredients that a normal prescription might contain. Usually these are the inactive ingredients present in the medication, so if they’re causing a problem, such as an allergic reaction, we can change out those ingredients.
To better adapt a medication to your child’s needs, we can offer products that are one or more of the following:
- Gluten-free
- Sugar-free
- Soy-free
- Dye-free
- Etc.

Pediatric Compounding Services that Keep Your Child Happy and Healthy

When your child is in need of specialized pediatric compounding services, we’re ready to work with your pediatrician to develop a solution. Our pharmacists are dedicated to helping make the administration of medication much more enjoyable for both you and your child.